• Anxiety

    Anxiety most likely stems from a feeling of worry and can impact ones reaction to function in a social and work environment, impact sleep and add strain to a relationship or household. It is known to affect body signals such as a loss of breath, sick stomach and sweaty palms. It can also put one in dark space of feeling irrational and unreasonable to everyday life and situations. Jilly works with anxiety by tracking the part which is causing the fear or disturbance. Through this process she is teaching how to emotionally connect to the self, unpack and understand the part where the anxiety comfortable sits within and then proceed into teaching one how to be in control of their own thoughts and emotions by having a natural positive response to everyday life and situations.

  • Grief

    At some point in a human journey we all get exposed to the feeling of grief. Grief is the feeling of loss or to loose something that was of great value. Through Jillys experience grief is a subject that many patients overlook as grief isnt as black and white as it seems. Grieving a idea that did’nt come into fruition can be buried with in one unknown. The inability to express this can cause much unsettling and can eventually build to other issues such as addiction or destructive behaviours for examples. When working with grief Jilly provides the ability to emotionally and intellectually help her patients connect, understand, unpack and accept this part of the self. Through her experience as a therapist she has found that when working with grief this enables the patient to comfortable give permission to express their grieving self. This is the first entry point to working with the part and initiate re-wiring which is a opportunity to brake cycles and shift into better space. Working with your grief part is also a wonderful opportunity to practice self love and truly understand the journey into self acceptance.

  • Depression

    Depression is a signal the body gives to indicate it is not happy and Jilly supports tracking the where’s and why’s as to how one ended up in this space. Through her experience working with depression she feels that giving someone the space to be vulnerable and feel supported is the first entry point to allow one to begin the process to unpack. This translates into a natural state of feeling light and enables Jilly to build her therapeutic alliance of trust and security to assist the patient into forwarding with their journey of working with the part of depression. Jilly then directs her work into hinging a plan or formula to re-wire and assist with wellbeing and teach about self assessments.

  • Addiction and Subtance Abuse

    Addiction and Subtance Abuse

    Addiction and Substance abuse can often cause a big upheaval to ones wellbeing, lifestyle/work and personal life. It causes much interference with feeling your best self and can cause issues with focus and moving in a positive direction. When in a situation of having a lack of control regarding substance and addiction it is a red flag situation that should be worked on. Jilly supports looking at the cause of why addiction and substance is being entertained in a very gently and supportive way. If one is willing to implement openness, acknowledgement and the work anyone has capability to brake patterns and shift their habits.

  • Trauma PTSD

    PTSD is when there is a emotional reaction to a a stressful or disturbing event which impacts one’s ability to cope, . PTSD can affect sleep, moods, cause panic attacks, bring on aggressive or low behaviours, develop irritability or unsettling moods and lack of focus. it can affect ones everyday wellbeing and cause much havoc internally coping with life’s routines and added stress life can throw at you. One of the main focuses Jilly offers when working with PTSD is teaching strategies and techniques dealing with everyday living.

  • Life transitioning

    Life Transitioning translates into a change of lifestyle or situation which can be positive or negative. Change can be triggering in itself as the unknown of what lies ahead can cause many issues in ones mind or the thought of change can begin with a large amount of overwhelming feelings. Jilly supports creating a space with the client to allow them to comfortable unpack all the layers and offer them understanding and support as they transition themselves into a safe and feeling of comfortability.

  • Eating Disorder

    If you have struggled in the past with a eating disorder this can cause a huge affect on your current life if you have not seeked therapy for this. If you feel disconnected from this experience it can very well mean you have dissociated yourself. If you are experiencing going through a eating disorder Jilly recommeds to have a psycologist/Psychiatrist and nutritionist that specializes in this area and use a counselling service in the background to assist with wellbeing, support, and current everyday triggers.

  • Self Love

    Self Love

    Self love always starts from with-in and plays such a important role in your human journey. The level of self love can impact your relationships, triggers, self worth and value and most importantly wellbeing. Jilly helps her patients begin the self love process by teaching them to have a internal relationship with themselves. This translates into them understanding all the pieces that make them who are they are, accepting and acknowledging the pieces they dont know or dont like and eventually finding a very peaceful space for them internally. Learning about self love is quite a passionate subject for Jilly. She feels the journey of self love is a continues process of understanding yourself an entire journey. As cliche as it sounds you must love you or at least begin to love yourself in order for someone to love you.

  • Sex and Intimacy

    One of the main topic of subjects when working with a couple is the lack of connection, sex and Intimacy. This can create a huge wedge between the couple and most of the time it can be a topic which is tabu or misunderstood by one party. It can bring out feelings of shame or guilt. Jilly works very hard and it is quite important to her as a therapist to make sure her therapeutic alliance with her couple is strong and secure. She wants both parties to feel she is unbiased and creates space for both to express vulnerability and honesty. Jilly helps by gentle working with the couple to help close the gap to sex and intimacy as this topic is a great entry point to enhancing communication and working on navigating conflict. It is also a great start to working on the reconnection process between two parties. Rediscovering each other and a opportunity for learning a new way.

  • Anger Management

    Anger is a natural human emotion, but when it becomes intense, frequent, or uncontrollable, it can have negative consequences for both the individual and those around them. Jilly works with her patients to assist with individuals to understand, express, and regulate their anger in healthier and more constructive ways.

    A important entry point in her therapy is helping her patients become more aware of their triggers and understanding the underlying causes of their anger. Self-awareness involves recognizing the physiological and emotional signs that accompany anger. By understanding the early warning signs, individuals can intervene before their anger escalates to an unmanageable level. Jilly works son enhancing communication skills, assertiveness, and active listening, enabling individuals to express their needs, concerns, and frustrations in a constructive and non-aggressive manner.

  • ADHD/Bi Polar/OCD

    When these labels are presents in ones life it is always recommended to have a physiatrist/psycologist in the background for diagnoses and medication. Jillian can help you manage these labels by assisting with tools/techniques for your day to day lifestyle to run more efficiently. Have a counsellor can also offer support and assist with unpacking these behaviours for better understanding.

  • Social Anxiety

    Social Anxiety is related to social situations that can be uncomfortable and affect ones ability to be socially active. Some patients are unaware that they have social anxiety. They develop a sense of withdrawal, self sabotage or a uncomfortable feeling in relationship to being social. Jillian helps you to understand this trigger and can teach you to ease back into a social environment by understand the fear part that sits behind the anxiety.